At Injecta Pest Control, we offer a comprehensive range of pest control services tailored to your needs. Our team of experts is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of your family and property, backed by years of experience and a dedication to using licensed and approved registered products for effective pest management. We specialise in both residential and commercial pest control, providing top-quality solutions for your peace of mind. With a proud history of serving the Fraser Coast and its neighbouring regions since 1989, we are a trusted local and family-run business, serving the Wide Bay Region for over 26 years. Our services include general pest sprays, pre-purchase pest inspections, pest inspections, chemical termite management systems, and rodent control. We are a reliable and trusted choice for all your pest control needs.
Excellent service, professionalism, punctuality, and quality of work. Customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Poor service, property damage, lack of respect for property, and unadmitted damage.